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Product: 3 Ltr Santha Tilting Wet Grinder

Review: Shanta tilting wet grinder
Review By: sudhersana    Review Date: 14 Sep 2008   

This 3 Lr Shanta wet grinder is a very good choice for a medium family or a joint family.This grinder needs only little space and can be kept on floor anywhere in the kitchen.Another good thing about this grinder is one can easily clean the floor beneath the grinder and keep it clean.It is very easy to handle and clean this grinder.The batter can also be easily removed by tilting the grinder.It can be easily cleaned by running the grinder with water and then tilting the grinder to remove water.It also grinds almost 3 Kg of rice in a matter of time and it also makes less noise.I feel the price is also reasonably good for its great performance and it is worth buying it.Because of its sturdy motor it also does not get heated up easily and the customer service is also very good.If you are looking for a grinder for a big family I would definitely recommend Shanta 3Lr Tilting Grinder.

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Power Consumption:
Ease of Use:
Time of Grinding:
After Sales Service:
Value for money:

Good: Looks,Durability,Ease of use and clean.
Recommend: Yes

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