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Product: Maruti Suzuki Alto LX - BS III

Review: Maruti Suzuki Alto LX-BS III
Review By: m.v. subba raju    Review Date: 23 Sep 2008   

I have purchased Maruti Suzuki Alto LX BS-III was purchased by me in the year 2004, till now I have never faced any problem with this car. My views about the car are like these

1. The appearance of the car is so cute, by seeing it we feel like purchasing the same.
2. The Mileage of this car is very good as till now I have used the same for 25000k.m. and I think I can better judge about this car.
3. The engine and the body of the car are so designed that they are not only looking good, smooth but also excellent performance.
4. I have never faced any problem with the A.C. too.
5. The pick up of the car is very good.
6. It is suitable for small family of 4.
7. It will be very comfortable to travel within the city.
8. As the car is small much space is not needed for parking.

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Space inside:
Fuel Consumption:
Value for price:

Good: Good Mileage, and good value for money
Bad: NO
Recommend: Yes

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