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Product: LG KF600 Venus

Review: Admirable fashion phone
Review By: RajmiArun    Review Date: 01 Aug 2008   

This is an absolute fashion phone. The phone have two screens and one of the screen is touch screen. The main screen is 2 inches and the lower screen is 1.5 inch in size. The lower screen is the touch screen with interact pad screen which allows the user to communicate with the mobile very easily.

The phone is good to hold and easy to handle. This phone comes with 40MB internal memory which could be increased to 2GB using microSD cards. The bluetooth wireless connection allows the user to connect to compatible devices. The USB connection allows the user to connect to the PC with ease. The EDGE technology allows faster data transfer. The entire web could be accessed with the touch of a button.

The camera of the phone is a 3MP one which comes with easy to use interactpad controls. The pictures could be taken both vertical and horizontally without damaging the image. The phone album allows the user to store and share the pictures. The camera allows video capturing too.

The inbuilt music player allows the user to enjoy many formats of music and all their favourite songs and music with great ease. While the music is played the screen displays beautiful album art. The FM radio allows the user to tune to their favourite stations.

The battery of the phone gives full 2.5 hours of talk time and 200 hours of standby time.

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Sound Reception:
Ease of Use:
Reliability & Durability:
Style & Design:
Value for Money :

Good: Design and two screen layout
Bad: Low talk time
Recommend: Yes

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