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Product: Max Hospital - Pitampura

Review: Bad experience.
Review By: Aira    Review Date: 16 Mar 2009   

I have recently went for my pregnancy test and they tested and said its positive though I was sure its negative. When I said so they called me again and tested and the result was negative. Just imagine!! I heard that doctors are given targets for performing no. of surgeries with or without cure and I think thats why they just didnt take care of anything. This hospital has absolutely no ethics and does not have any moral / social responsibility. I do not deny that there can be failures in a test, but the way things are handled and unwanted tests are done, that is definitely not a place where one should expect for any solution. The attitude of the staff is callous and the nurses are absolutely untrained. They do not even know how to handle an emergency, which has botched up many surgeries. They charge exhobirant but the end result is absolutely NIL. If things are even escalated to the hospital authorities through a proper way, actions are not taken care of. This is not only my experience but also few of my friends experience is also very bad with this hospital. I would never recommend anyone to go there.

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Medical Care:
Staff Attitude:
Canteen Facilities:

Recommend: Not sure

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