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Product: Sagar Ratna Noida

Review: Sagar Ratna Noida
Review By: sudhersana    Review Date: 04 Jan 2009   

Sagar Ratna is one of the popular restaurants in Noida. It has many branches all over North India. Sagar Ratna serves south Indian as well North Indian food but it is renowned for south Indian food. It is a pure vegetarian restaurant.

The south Indian food is good but I personally feel that it does not have the authentic taste of south Indian food. The North Indian food is better in this hotel compared to south Indian food although it is popular for south Indian food. One has to wait for long time after placing the order because of the crowd. On week days one has to wait for hours to get a table in Sagar Ratna.

The speciality of this restaurant is dahi vada in which they add sugar to dahi so that it gives a sweet taste similar to sweet lassi and decorated with boondi on the top. The price is high when compared to restaurants specially south Indian restaurants in Noida and I personally feel the food is not that worth and tasty to its price.

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Courteousness of Staff:
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Value for Money:
Parking Facility:

Good: north Indian food, dahi vada
Bad: price, taste of south Indian food is not that good
Recommend: Yes

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