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Review: Pizza Hut- Nungambakkam

Product: Pizza Hut - Nungambakkam
Courteousness of Staff:
Customer Care:
Value for Money:
Parking Facility:

Good: The service
Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Name: Devi Menon   
Member Level: Gold
Review Date: 06 Jan 2009
Points for Review: 7  (Rs: 5)

Read 39 reviews by Devi Menon

Pizza Hut - Nungambakkam Review

I am no Pizza lover, still I stepped into Pizza Hut and.....
Let me start with my pizza lover hubby who insisted that we go to Pizza Hut after the afternoon show at Satyam. We were quite certain that not many eateries would welcome us at 4pm, so against my wishes, I gave Pizza Hut a shot.....
The ambience was quite inviting and the play pen was bustling with kids jumping and playing...
With coca cola on almost every table, big glasses of ice tea looked refreshing
A huge Pizza menu, i thought, when I was handed over the menu, but indeed I discovered dishes I could eat and Boy, was I happy or not!!!!!
I had a few salads to choose from...I had pasta and spagetti to choose from and yes my tall glass of ice tea to keep me full till dinner at least
Yes, the pizza lover hubby had various toppings and choice of pizza base and with his mouth stuffed, had a damn good excuse to not talk to me.....
The venue and the menu were fitting and we did have a nice time...nice enough to make us regulars at the joint
Highlight of our visit was a dance for a peppy English number by the staff at Pizza Hut - it looked impromptu but neatly choreographed

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