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Product: Philips-WP 3893

Review: Philips Water Purifier - a good one
Review By: Latha Jayaprakash    Review Date: 18 Oct 2008   

Philips is a well known company with advanced state-of-the-art UV (PLS) technology destroys known waterborne viruses, bacteria, parasites and amoebae while the activated carbon and sediment filter removes turbidity, chlorine, volatile organic chemicals (VOC&rsquos), cysts, larger micro organisms and improves taste. This brand also conforms to safety standards of Bureau of Indian Standards and has been certified by the WQA Water quality association of USA. This Philips-WP 3893 water purifier has a flow of 1.2 litres per minute. This Water Purifier has 3 purification stages like, Pre-filter purification, activated carbon purification (sediment filter) and Ultra-violet purification. This Water Purifier from Philips has an unique PureProtect Lock feature which locks down the Purifier if the filter is not replaced on time. There is another feature PureFlush that automatically flushes out all internal pipes and the UV chamber. This feature can be used to clean the pipes before filtering water, so that you get only pure water every time. This water purifier has got another unusual IntelliFill feature, which allows user to pre-set the quantity of water that needs to be purified whenever the supply is available. This Philips water purifier comes with Rechargeable Battery Back Up and LCD display and really does look pretty in the kitchen.

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Power Consumption:
Total Water Capacity:
Time to Purify:
After Sales Service:
Value for Money:

Good: It gives pure claen water and it is easy to operate.
Bad: Nothing as such
Recommend: Yes

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