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Product: Inalsa-Little Bake

Review: OTG for singles and bachelors
Review By: Latha Jayaprakash    Review Date: 14 Oct 2008   

Yes, The Inalsa little bake will come out very good for youngsters who are living alone. They can cook and keep the food warm for some time, bake, roast, barbeque everything in this . This is only a 10 litre capacity OTG, has a thermostat control, timers, upto 250 degrees temperature and 2 adjustable cooking levels. There is also a drip tray available to collect the fat and crumbs while cooking and also a wire tray to grill kababs etc. This will be a boon for the single person living separately and to those who enjoy good food but cannot spend more. This comes for just Rs 1995/only . Inalsa is giving you a 2 year warrant also for this product

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Inner Chamber:
Heating Element 1 or 2:
Value for Money:

Good: very good for a single person. got everything one wants in an OTG
Bad: you cannot go in for detailed cooking , the capacity is not enough for a small family
Recommend: Yes

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