How to live close to the nature, in a natural way
We are living in a modern world but sometimes we all feel we should embrace natural life. Let us see how can we live close to nature, primarily using natural products.
One may get confused with how much more efforts one should take for living naturally. But well, if you try and take a look on things that you use, you eat and you have around you; this myth will get clear. We all assume that we really live natural by making excuses, like "Well, we eat salads", "We use eco-friendly books or other products"; but the fact remains unchanged that however hard we try, we are yet to live natural.
Take a look at the food you eat, though they grow in natural habitats; yet they are loaded with harmful pesticides and unnatural substances, which make their consumption totally unnatural. Everything that we use is adulterated to a large extent, which fails to retain its natural essence. Hence if you really want to switch on to a natural living; its time that you start taking things seriously.
First, when it comes to using products which claim to be 100% natural; go on and do some proper checking. Read out their labels to confirm whether the ingredients present are natural. If yes, go on purchasing it or just quit buying it permanently. Try and be vigilant. Don't buy just to show off to your friends that you buy natural stuff, instead try and be careful with the purchasing as a slight mistake may be harmful.
Many companies do animal testing on products to make them perfect for you, which in a way, is not natural at all. If we stop buying such products, we can help those poor animals and thus some way our contribution can help in a rise of the natural habitats as no more animals would be killed or put through that pain and suffering. If you really want to go natural then try and be kind to animals as they too feel the way we do.
Always opt for eco-friendly products, even if they ask you to spare some extra cents to buy it. If you think this comes in a way of saving money, then try to save out money somewhere else, thus to afford these eco-friendly products. They aren't that expensive, but since they are made with eco-friendly fabrics and recycled materials they tend to charge a bit.
It is very important to buy natural skin care products, not only because this helps you live naturally, but also because these products are 100% safe for your skin.
Avoid using plastic bags as far as possible, as they are the biggest threat to the environment and I am sure you don't want to be the one who degrades the environment, by using such bags. Instead use recycled paper bags or cloth bags which are an in-thing nowadays.
Help your kids learn about natural living right from their childhood. Impart them with proper knowledge and information in regards to such things as this helps in a better development of these kids. Teach them to use eco-friendly books and pencils so as to save the wood. Tell them how wasting paper and other things is breaking down more and more trees and thus degrading the environment. Teach them to love animals and never to harm them. If such information is provided to them right from their beginning, they grow out to be better human beings.
This is a good article and you tell about how to live and use eco friendly products. But in India it is very impossible to live such because all foods are making with several types of chemicals including it and there is no lab testing. In vegitables they are using several companies chemicals. The government is not stopping such companies. Second problem is plastic waist. In india there is a big growth of flats and villas. But the companies is not making a waist burning places and the people in the morning time through it outside the road.