Sometimes it is possible that your articles are copied by others and reproduced in other sites. Reproducing your article in other sites have several issues including:
1. Benefits of your hard work is taken by someone else
2. It is possible that search engines may misunderstand you copied content from the other sites and your post may be mistaken as copied from other source. That result in blacklisting your post as well losing reputation of this site.
3. Editors of this site may misunderstand that you copied from the other site and your post may be rejected.
If you find your article is reproduced by someone else in any of our partner sites, you must go and post a forum thread in the partner site explaining the situation. You should provide the url of your original post as well as the url of the copied post.
If your article is copied to another site, you must contact the other website and ask them to remove the copied content. You must provide details of the issue including date of posting of both posts (original as well as copied), url of your original post and url of the copied post in the other sites. Also, take a look at the profile of the author who copied the article. Most probably all of his article may be copied from various other sites. You can provide additional evidence including various sites from where that author has copied all his posts.
Report copy right violation by a blogger
If your content is copied by a blogger, most probably you will have an option to report any issues to blogger support team. For example, in case of all blogs, there will be a button called "Report Abuse" at the top portion of the blog, above the logo. You may click on that link which will take you to a website to report any issues related to that blog. You may report any copy right violations in blogs through this page directly as well. Remember to choose the option "Blogger" in the Google product selection page.
In case of private websites like this website, you should contact the author as well as the webmaster of the site. Most of the authentic sites will have an option to file DMCA notices or a contact option in the bottom of the page.
If there is no contact information available anywhere in a private website, you may email to the following mail ids of that domain name:
Remember to add the domain name at the end of the above email.
There is another way you can find the owner of any domain name:
1. Go to
2. Search for the site name in the option to search for domain name
3. It will show that the domain name is already taken and you cannot register that domain.
4. There will be a small link called "Get Info" next to the message. Click on that link.

5. It will show the owner details of that domain name which will include the email address.
Some website owners can pay extra money and do a private registration of their domain name. In that case,
you will not be able to see the email id of the owner. So, your options may be limited to sending email to webmaster,
abuse and postmaster email ids.
Here is a sample email you can send to report your concern over copying your content in another
site without your permission:
Subject: Notice of Copyright Infringement
This is to report that the text that appears on [URL of the page in the other website where you
content is copied] is reproduced from my original work.
The URLs where my copyrighted material is located include [URL of the page
where your original content appears].
My original content was posted on [DATE] and the content was posted on your site on [DATE]
You can reach me at [Your Email Id] for further information or clarification. My phone number
is [Your phone number].
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly
infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the
copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is
allegedly infringed.
[Your name]
If the other website is a reputed website, they will respond to your email and remove the content. In case of low-class, copy cat websites, they may not respond to your emails and may not take any action. In such cases, your best option may be to ignore them. Search engines will eventually figure out that website is a copy cat and ignore all their posts.
If the other website uses Google AdSense Ads, you can report the copy right issues directly to Google. Try to resolve it directly with the owner/author of the website/page. If that does not work out, then report the copy right violation to Google AdSense. You can file a copy right violation to Google AdSense here. Find more details.