All women between 25 - 50 need pap smears!
What is a pap smear?Pap smear is a simple test done for wome to detect changes in the cervix (neck of the womb) to detect changes that may leed to cancer after a few years. It actually helps you to prevent developing cancer of the cervix. In developed countries pap smears are mandatory for all women between 25 to 50yrs. But in India awareness about pap smears is very poor.
How do I get it done?
All you need to do is to go to a diagnostic centre that offers this test and request one. Alternatively you can go to a gynaecologist and request for a pap smear.
What preparations do I need to do?
You must not be having periods and you should refrain from intercourse for 24 hrs prior to the pap smear.
What does the procedure involve?
It is just like a gynae examination.The doctor will use a metal speculum to view your cervix and will be taking little brushings from it. It may be alittle uncomfortable but not painful.
How frequently should I do it?
The Royal college in UK recommends it to be done once in 3 yrs in women of reproductive age group i.e. 25-50yrs