I completely agree with the facts mentioned here. It is true that the option of deleting posts could cause a number of problems. I agree with this fact that the editors should only have the right to delete the posts or products submitted by the members.
I wouldn't say that things shouldn't be this way. But very often, as you have mentioned posts, products or photos of products are submitted and posted twice. This creates a bit of confusion and then one can wonder what to do. Additional points are been added to the scoreboard accidentally and then this doesn't look very good.
What I meant my this question here was that before submitted we should have an option of deleting the additional posts that are been submitted by us. This way we get to send only a single post, a photograph or a product. Once the post, photo or product is been reviewed and published, then the deleting option should be allowed.
Hopefully, this suggestion could be given a thought.
thank you
have a nice day
sangeeta chaubal
Happy Posting
Sangeeta Chaubal
Editor, IRC