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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    Problem accessing the account

    Hello there,

    I am not able to view my scoreboard, and wonder why? This never happened before, as since yesterday it was okay. It shows some error and I am not able to submit my work.

    Can anyone please help.


  • #4531
    Hi Sangeeta, there was some problem in the IRC server, but now the problem has been solved, I also got this problem, before, but don't be worry, its normal.
    Prepare for interview!

  • #4536
    Hello there, Thanks, I too can access my account presently, but I am not able to create polls, create communities and post photos.
    I think the server problem has not completely resolved yet, but I am sure it would get resolved soon.

    Thanks again


    Happy Posting


    Sangeeta Chaubal
    Editor, IRC

  • #4554
    Hi Sangeetha,
    When it comes to create polls, you can create one poll a day or 7 polls for a week on any single day of the week. Communities, there should not be any problem as such, but I will check out your profile for the permissions.


  • #4555
    hello there

    thank so much for your help. I find some problem, whenever I try to upload pictures of any category. It wasn't this way earlier; but now it actually happens every now and then. Please help.



    Happy Posting


    Sangeeta Chaubal
    Editor, IRC

  • #4781

    The problem has been rectified and I observed the improvisations. It was good to get the grip of things I have been holding and now it seems I can resume back to my work.

    Things seem to going on good. Let us see how things work on. Not able to access account was a bit scary problem as you are left to wonder what exactly has gone wrong or have you done something wrong on your part.

    But thankfully it was technical fault and that was a matter of relief.



    sangeeta chaubal

    Happy Posting


    Sangeeta Chaubal
    Editor, IRC

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