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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    About earning

    Dear Freinds

    Please help me to earn some extra money step by step. how i can earn money in IndiaReviewChannel.
  • #2822
    Hi,Atul, as of now the cash credits for reviews has been completely stopped. So,unfortunately,you cannot earn through reviews. Also, there are no longer any blogs or review contests. The Webmaster stopped the cash credits as enough revenue was not being generated from IRC to give members cash credits.
    [Note: payment was given for whatever was earned uptil the point when cash credits were disabled]

    However, I would like to encourage you to nevertheless post reviews [at present you cannot submit products]. You can either write a review on any product posted here through your own personal experience or write a general review stating the features of the product [this is called an editorial review]. Also, do post in the Resources section articles, product news, etc.

    You may well ask: how will I gain by this if I am not going to get paid? The answer: the Google Ads posted at IRC are of a higher value than those at ISC. Hence when you reach the Gold level, you will be able to start earning well through the Google AdSense revenue sharing program. See the Forum post by Editor LathaJayaprakash - the Editor has earned the minimum of $100 solely through IRC !

    So I do hope you contribute to IRC and help to get the IRC ranking up on the ALEXA tracker. This will greatly help us members as then the Webmaster will restart the cash credits.


    Faith gives us the courage to tackle the seemingly impossible, as well as the determination to see it through ~ Author Unknown


  • #2823
    Hi Atul.As Vk said it is true. I have problem in start too for getting revenue from IRC. But slowly i am getting something. So start posting review. I believe Adsense is best for earning.


    Life Is Beautiful

  • #2829
    Hi Vk,
    Thanks for your valuable answer. As there is no cash credits given in IRC, I cannot announce an award for you as the best forum supporter. But still, 1000 claps and applause for your answer and your support.


  • #2855

    Yes Rajmi Arun, VK is really a motivator for the new and upcoming members in both ISC and IRC as well. I do observed her responses in both channels.

    She is an asset for both ISC and IRC.

    RK - Some thing special

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